Sunday, November 25, 2012

Simple Guidelines to Keep Your AdSense Account Safe

Many of the web publishers and free website owners rely on the AdSense ad revenues. However, it is not quite simple. This article will help most of the AdSense account holders and yes, I am writing this on the basis of my own painful experiences. It is very difficult to moderate the activities of users on any web portals. You need not to moderate all the time, just read go through this article and you will feel somewhat relaxed.

The websites with original and unique content are always best fit the AdSense, but make sure that you obtain copyrights from DMCA, or freecopyrights etc. Never copy the content from other sites and paste it in to your content site, due to this your site will be penalized by most of the search engines and this will impact to your incoming traffic and your PageRank factor will get decreased. Use copyscape or any other similar tool to check the whether somebody has copied your content, make this as a regular habit; If you come across any such issues just complain to dmca to get those content removed from other sites who have copied your content. The large portals like classifieds, articles, directories, social networking sites, dating, auctions are good to increase your revenue but the thing is all these sites may contain links to other sites, in case if such links are not compliance with AdSense then this will become a threat to your site. Dating sites are good but it should not contain any abusive materials, photos or contents and any links to adult or porn sites, its mostly because of bad external links the publishers get disabled their account. For those who owns any large web portals then you can avoid those external links get indexed web spiders or robots.

Never use paid advertising methods to generate your AdSense revenue. Never purchase traffic from unknown sources or those who are not reputed. If the paid advertising becomes necessary, then spend minimum cost on it. Try to optimize the website and try to get organic web traffic rather than purchasing paid traffic, this risks your AdSense account. Never share the URL of your blogs and websites when their is not necessary. Do not inform to anyone about your site's existence, you can avoid invalid click activity. Try to follow the AdSense policies up to your best. Don't put your ad codes into a newly launched website. Take your time to bring some traffic and perform the initial paid advertising, create a track of minimum visitors for your site in the web records. Do some SEO, build links and try to elevate your website page rank. Then you are safe to display ads in your site. Be responsive and participate in the forum to get immediate help and support other members also if its possible.

A sudden raise in the CTR is not good for any site and a high CTR is not good for large portals. Be responsive and alert about your AdSense account. Use stat counter to monitor your web traffic. There are many other measures but these are important and it should be considered always.

Passive Income Part 5: Advertising Reviews   

Effective Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a program that allows businesses to advertise on other websites. The business pays Google when a consumer clicks on the link to take them to their website. Google pays some of the amount that it earns to the website owner than had the advert on their website. This can be quite an effective way of advertising. It is also a low cost form of marketing because it doesn't cost the website owner anything to host an advert and they earn money whenever a visitor clicks on the ad, regardless of whether that visitor buys anything or not.

The Importance of Maximum AdSense Content Relevancy

One of the most important ways to get the most out of the Google AdSense program is to make sure that Google puts the most relevant ads possible on your site. Visitors tare looking for content on their topic of interest and if they see relevant advertisements they are more likely to click on the ads than if the ad is not relevant to their topic of interest.

How do you improve your AdSense content relevancy?

Firstly, make sure there are ads that are relevant to the content of your or pages. It is useful to do this before spending time designing your site or developing your content.

If you are adding AdSense to an existing site which may have even been built with other monetization strategies originally in mind, you probably didn't check to see if other advertisers had developed ads for your market. It is important that there is a large range of ad inventory for a topic because if there isn't you are bound to end up with irrelevant ads which most likely won't be clicked on by visitors looking for something else.

Keywords are vital. You need a good balance between not too much content that is overstuffed with particular keywords to point of destroying readability and value, but material which makes sufficient use of relevant keywords that will attract relevant ads. Gurus maintain that using keywords with your titles and H1 tags is an excellent optimization as well.

Meta tags used to be a critical aspect of search engine optimization in general. Nowadays the search engines rely upon meta tags far less, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest that using ad relevant keywords in your page meta-tags does increase the relevance of the adverts displayed. So it can't hurt to make sure you make use of meta tags.

Try to avoid sub standard content anywhere on your page. Whilst your site may have great content in the main portion of the page, having irrelevant terms in sidebars, headers and footers can cause some damage. So take a close look at these navigational parts of the page and remove irrelevant information that can throw Google off the scent when their search engines are working out exactly what your page is all about. You can use AdSense's section targeting tool to remove those problem areas from AdSense's consideration completely, so long as you do not wish to show ads in those areas.

Focused articles

Make sure your content is sharply focussed on the topic that you are targeting. Don't write long articles that cover multiple topics, make sure that each article only addresses a single issue. In fact try to make your whole page about the one topic as much as possible. Some experts suggest that Google AdSense tends to reward single themed overall sites with more relevant ads. Although this may be an unproven rule, in makes sense that following the practice of focussing in one particular topic will lead to getting ads placed that are more relevant to that topic.

What can you do about Bad Ads?

Make sure you monitor your site on a regular basis so that you notice when irrelevant ads appear. Once you see them, add them to your blacklist for the site. Google AdSense gives you the ability to block individual ads via the Competitive Ad Filter. This will obviously improve your chances of getting more relevant ads placed that your visitors will actually click on.

Finally, make sure you give close consideration to which of your sites that you use AdSense on. For example mini sites and sites that you are using to try and make affiliate sales on are not usually good sites for Google AdSense, particularly if the product sales are significant. AdSense ads may distract your customers from joining your email list or buying the product.

Some sites that are mini-sites or eCommerce sites are around with AdSense at the bottom of their pages. This may be alright if the AdSense ads are obviously minor or secondary to the main content. The theory in this case would be that you may as well make a small amount of money from disinterested visitors that are about to leave the site without taking you up on the other features of the site that make you the most amount of money.

The more relevant ads are to the content and topic of your site, the more clicks you will get. Try to use Google AdSense as a partner in your money making site rather than a tools for you to use and abuse. Make it obvious to the bots what the main topic and keyword of your site is and eliminate irrelevant distracting content where possible. Used in conjunction with other proven Search engine optimization techniques can add to the money you make from your site, but when used badly can ultimately be a drain on revenue.

Passive Income Part 5: Advertising Reviews   

Does Google AdSense Still Work?

Google AdSense is a quick and easy way to generate income on any content driven website. The concept is pretty simple. You publish interesting stuff and include a little piece of code. Google will display advertisement from their AdWords publishers that match your content. When a reader clicks on one of the links, you make a little money. The question that keeps coming up is if it still works and if it's still worth displaying the ads.

It's Still Profitable

Yes, it is still profitable, but you need a good bit of traffic to make it worth your while. Companies and solo entrepreneurs spend thousands of dollars a month (some even per day) on pay per click advertisement and you can grab a small chunk of that via Google AdSense. AdSense is driven by the quality of your traffic, which makes it perfect for SEO traffic. Build a quality site, share great content and then plug in some AdSense ads. The big secret to making decent money with this method is volume. Keep building more sites, add more content and continue to drive more traffic to all your online properties.

It's A Great Way to Start Monetizing a Site

It's very easy to plug the AdSense code into your website. If you're using a content management system like WordPress for example, you can add the code to your site template making it automatically appear on every page of your site. This ease of use is one of the reasons why Google AdSense is a great first step towards monetizing a site. I also like it because you can see income even if you have only a small trickle of traffic. You won't get rich this way, but it's nice to see at least a little bit of cash coming in. It's a great motivator to keep working on your site and to continue to drive traffic. With very little effort, you should be able to start paying for hosting using nothing but Google AdSense.

Don't Overlook Other Ways To Profit

Last but not least a word of caution. While Google AdSense is very easy to set up and there is no additional customer service or maintenance to do on your end, make sure you're not trading convenience for dollars. There may be other ways to profit that you can incorporate into your website. Promote affiliate offers or sell advertisement on your site and see if you can't generate additional income this way.

Passive Income Part 5: Advertising Reviews   

Making Money With Google - Building AdSense

Making Money With Google may be performed with many approaches. I'm going to speak about making money with Google AdSense. So what's Google AdSense? Well to explain Google AdSense, I first want to clarify what Google AdWords is. Google AdWords is also known as Pay Per Click (PPC).

Advertisers spot advertisements with Google. Google will place these advertisements on their search engine pages, which will be placed in the top and at the right sides of the search outcomes. These ads are commonly in a light pink shade when on the top. Google charges the advertiser every time an individual clicks on that link.

Google AdSense operates in the same way, but as opposed to being on the search result page, the ads are placed on distinctive internet sites. Web page proprietors can place these ads on their sites and then when someone visits their internet sites and click on the hyperlink, then Google pays that web-site owner. To put it differently, advertisers help Google to promote and Google AdSense pays a percentage (approximately 60%) of what they bring in.

This is ideal for a person who's just starting out, who doesn't have their own products. They are able to get a web-site up and then spot these Google AdSense advertisements on their web-sites, which is 1 method of obtaining compensation. As soon as getting a web page up, it really is critical to know the things to do for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Performing the points to get your web site ranked higher inside the search engines.

You will find a whole lot of variables that go into how much will be paid. The keywords used will determine that. If it's a key phrase which is searched far more often, then it will likely be worth much more. I've heard of clicks getting anywhere from two cents to $15. Key phrases for instance debt free, employment, generating funds, MP3 etc. will bring in far more per click, since they're highly competitive key phrases that are searched a lot more.

You might feel that doing all the things to obtain your web-site ranked on "Page One" of Google could be fairly challenging. Nicely in fact it really is simpler than you might believe. You simply will need to understand the fundamental factors to perform. I have learned a good deal more and continue learning every day.

Making Money With Google can be fun and interesting. It does take a lot of persistence to learn everything you need to know.

Passive Income Part 5: Advertising Reviews   

Generating Additional Income With Google AdSense

If you want to get started with working and earning from home, one of the things that you should get familiar with is Google AdSense. Google AdSense is the most popular program that is used today for people who are making a living online. What you need to get started is to enroll your site or blog with AdSense and then promote your site. When you enroll in this program, you will be paid according to the number of times that each site guest will click on the ads that you have on your site.

How do I promote my site?

One of the best ways to promote your site is by writing articles. Write some articles related to the site or product that you need to promote. The best way to determine what to write about is by looking for the right keyword. Keywords are words or phrase that people type into search engines. When your article responds to the queries that most people have there is a big possibility for your article to be read and your ads to be clicked.

Make good articles and you will generate good traffic. Traffic is a term used to describe the number of people visiting our site or reading your articles. When you have more traffic, you will have a good probability of getting the ads in your site clicked which means more income for you.

The standard is to write 300-500 word articles that respond to the queries of the people or has relevance to the keywords that you have. Submit these articles to article directories that you can often access for free. Article directories like GoArticles, Ezinemark, or EzineArticles are three of the most prominent directories in the web that will help you promote your site. Upon submitting these articles you will find an author bio box usually located at the bottom of the submission page. Within this box, add a link of your site most preferably in HTML. When readers click these back links it will take them to your site which consequently means additional traffic for you.

The more articles you make, the more chances of driving the readers to your site. If you are not that into writing and you think that it will consume much of your time, there are a lot of people that you can hire to write for you. Another option would be to purchase a software that will help you optimize an original article and generate 20 more, but remember that original contents are better than duplicates. Make the content of your articles unique and informative. Avoid making long paragraphs within your article because it will make the article look boring.

These may sound hefty when especially when you are just starting out but it will be easier as you go along. Remember that your income will start once you enroll your site or blog in Google AdSense and you can increase your earnings from there by promoting your site.

Passive Income Part 5: Advertising Reviews   

AdSense, Realism and Small Niche Sites

OK. We have all read the hype.

You buy some hosting. Throw together a website (any site, content immaterial). Then you smear it with AdSense and affiliate schemes. Then you sit back and rake in the cash.

Oh, dreams and illusions.

It may be true that a few people have had spectacular success for little effort. Just as a few have won the lottery or dreamed up a wonderful invention in an afternoon.

But you and I know life is rarely like that. Sadly, making money usually involves hard work.

But even so, if you are prepared to put in the effort you can make money on the web and have fun as well.

I have several sites that I enjoy running and are profitable as well. While I'm not likely to throw in the day job any time soon it is still immensely satisfying when the Google electronic payment appears on the bank statement.

AdSense is a really good tool for producing a worthwhile income for a reasonable outlay of effort. Maybe with enough effort and dedication, who knows, maybe it could turn into a major income. Everything has to start somewhere.

It is worth a shot, but realism is the key. To get people to click on adverts you first need people to visit the site.

So how do you do that?

Simplistic as it may seem, the most important method of getting people to visit your site is to build a site that contains a lot of information on what these people are searching out.

This is the crux of the matter. Any fool can sling adverts on a page. What you need is a website with valid and authoritative content.

You need to give your audience something that will interest them and draw them in

Today, for the average person this means exploiting a niche. Or maybe several niches.

You may well feel that you know little or nothing about any niche topics, but really this is almost certainly far from the truth. You are underestimating yourself.

As an example, in my case I have built several sites each of which specifically targets a particular area of my locality or are about places I have visited. I targeted them because I know people want to know more about these places. Some are used for educational purposes. Others are holiday locations. Most of them have little information on them or their particular niche anywhere else.

People visit my sites to gain that information and I provide it - for free.

I also host AdSense, which I am pleased to say quite quickly became quite focussed on my sites themes. I feel the AdSense adverts actually complement my content and make it more approachable.

I do not make a fortune (yet!). But it more than pays its way and I also get the kudos of being a local expert.

It is also great fun. I continuously experiment with formats and content, just to see what makes a difference.

Remember, if you don't play you cannot win. But to play in the game you need some cards.

Your local knowledge and personal skills are important. Build an authoritative website on a poorly covered topic and you have a route into the game.

Use your local skills and local knowledge. Share your information freely. People will seek you out, and some of them will click on your ads!

Passive Income Part 5: Advertising Reviews   

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